Submitted on October 17, 2018
“Journeys to Wellness” Keynote Speakers & Topics
6. Journeys to Wellness VI October 14, 2017
Keynote speaker: John Houk, M.D.
Dr. John Houk is a primary care internist, teacher. He also serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at the John A. Burns School of Medicine and as Medical Director of Arcadia and 15 Craigside Retirement Residences. In 2012 he was Hawai’1 Medical Association’s “Physician of the Year”.
Topic: “Aging: A Doctor’s Perspective”
Puanani Burgess, noted consultant, cultural translator, lecturer and poet.
Rev. Dr. Jayaprakash (JP) Sabbithi, board-certified chaplain who currently serves as Director of Counseling Services at Hospice Hawai`i.
Rev. Dr. Teruo Kawata, theologian, pastor, and UCC Hawaii Conference Minister Emeritus.
Download the 2017 Event Program
7. Journeys to Wellness VII October 13, 2018
Keynote speaker: Randal Wada, M.D.
Dr. Randal Wada was born in Nuuanu and is a graduate of `Iolani School, Northwestern Univ. (BA, MS) and Emory Univ. (MD). He is currently an Associate Professor of Nursing in the University of Hawaii School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene and Medical Director of the Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Program at Kapi`olani Medical Center for Women & Children.
Topic: “Resilience and Mortality: Conversations Your Doctor Wish They Could Have With You”
Wendi Major, Ph.D. , is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with Kapi`olani Behavioral Health Service at the Kapi`olani Medical Center for Women & Children. She serves on the hospital’s Bioethics and Palliative Care Committees.
Ruey Ryburn, has a doctorate in public health and a graduate of the Barbara Bennan School of Healing. She currently operates her own Sacred Path Healing School and conducts a private practice in holistic healing.
Download the 2018 Event Program
Workshops Offered
31. Spirituality and End of Life Issues Presenter: Rev. Dr. JP Sabbithi, Director of Counseling Services at Hospice Hawai`i.
32. Building the Beloved Community with Storytelling Presenter: Puanani Burgess, cultural consultant with One-Peace-At-A-Time.
33. Sacred Paths of Energy Healing Presenter: Ruey Ryburn, Dr.PH., founder of the Sacred Path Healing School and private practitioner in holistic healing.
34. Writing and the Coming Together of Body, Mind and Spirit Presenter: Jimmy Toyama, retired civil servant and community organizer and longtime freelance columnist and writer.
35. Purification, Art, Beauty & Nutrition Presenter: Norman Oshiro, Executive Director of MOA and volunteers from MOA, a global wellness outreach that serves thousands in Hawaii.
36. Secrets on Reclaiming Your Health Presenter: Leslie Sharp, who battled her own health demons, mainly overweight, and now serves as a Health Coach.
37. Reiki: Become Aware of what Reiki Is and Experience the Healing Energy Presenters: Rosemary and Alan Goto, both trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoko Systems of Natural Healing and have been engaged in the practice for over 20 years.
38. Millennials’ Pursuit of Wellness in Today’s World Presenters: Jeffry Acido, Ph.D., Kevin Faller, Grace Jean-Pierre, Gregg Yamauchi and Reiki Young, millennials from diverse backgrounds and who embody their own unique paths to wellness.
39. Improve Everything in the World, Including You Presenters: Rev. Gabrielle Fackre Chavez, Interim Conference Minister of the UCC in Hawaii and author, and Thomas Chavez, author and workshop facilitator on body-based strategies for gaining self-awareness and real relationships.
40. Pathway to Your Peak Presenters: Christa Wittmier, survivor of stage IV cancer and global arts festival coordinator, and Michelle Garcia, founder of RISE, an environmental organization to promote partnership with nature.
41. Mindfulness: A Way to Enhance Awareness and Reduce Stress Presenter: Gregory Pai, Ph.D., teacher and practitioner or mindfulness meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist, Zen Buddhist and Vipassana traditions.
42. Good Soil: Organic Farming, Holistic Health and Sustainable Communities Presenter:
Mark Hamamoto, Founder and Executive Director of Mohala Farms, a 6-acre organic farm and non-profit organization in Waialua that provides a vibrant internship program.